Happy Summer Holidays 2024
Wishing all our children and the Scoil Chaitríona Community a very happy and safe Summer Holiday and we look forward to seeing you all back in school in
Wednesday the 28th of August.
It only seems like yesterday when these little faces entered the doors of Scoil Chaitríona and now the day has come to say farewell as they move forward to secondary school. We wish them all every success in the future and we know they will always have a special place in our hearts.
14/06/'24 - We had a brilliant day with Lisa Hester from Creative Schools and BrickxClub Limerick who came to the school with tonnes of lego bricks to hold a workshop on brick building technique and pixel art. It was so much fun and we were so lucky to have Lisa for the day
Our sincere thanks to the Annacotty Farm Shop who visited us at the GAA Field on our sports day and gave everyone a much needed ice lolly. We are also grateful to the parents who nominated our school on the Annacotty Farm Shop Facebook page for this lovely treat.
On Tuesday 11th June we had our annual Sports Day event. We had races, penalty shoot-outs, an obstacle course, parachute games, and lots of other fun activities! It is always a highlight of the school year.
Well done to our own Mohammad who played with the Limerick Primary Schools Team at half time in Thurles at the Munster Final. We are very proud of you.
We are delighted to announce that we have received our Curious Minds Gold Award for all our efforts in STEAM and also our Amber Flag award for continuing to promote mental health in Scoil Chaitríona. Well done to all our committees and staff involved in organising these initiatives.
We had a lovely celebration in honour of Our Lady where the children sang and prayed and Jesse had the honour of crowning Our Lady at the end. Ms. Armitage's class gave a beautiful rendition of A Mhuire Mháthair on the tinwhistle at the end.
Our team played fantastically but unfortunately it did not go their way against Cloverfield on the day.
Our 2nd Class did us all very proud on their Communion day and were rewarded with a party at school.
We wish our 2nd Class children and their teacher Ms. Power, every blessing as they receive their First Holy Communion this weekend.

24/5/'24 Best of luck to Abbie who plays on the primary game a half time during the Limerick v Waterford game on Sunday.
Abbie will not only be representing our school but she will also be flying the flag high for Cappamore G.A.A. & East Limerick!
We are very proud of all you have achieved Abbie.
Well done Abbie & best of luck on Sunday! Luimneach Abú!!
Abbie will not only be representing our school but she will also be flying the flag high for Cappamore G.A.A. & East Limerick!
We are very proud of all you have achieved Abbie.
Well done Abbie & best of luck on Sunday! Luimneach Abú!!
Bike Week 2024
Bike Week in Scoil Chaitríona!
On Tuesday 14th May, Lorraine from An Taisce came to Scoil Chaitríona, where she carried out ‘Bike Care’ workshops with pupils from 3rd to 6th Class.
She showed the children how to maintain their bikes: oiling the chain, pumping up their tyres and showing them how to mend a punctured tyre. Lorraine also played lots of bike games with the children.
On Wednesday 15th May, the Green Schools Committee organized a ‘Bling Your Bike/Scooter’ parade and competition. All of the children in the school were asked to decorate their bike/ scooters and helmets. As you can see from the photos below, there was a huge effort made from all of the children in the school! Each class took it in turns to parade around the yard on their bikes and scooters, while being cheered on by the rest of the school.
The Green School’s Committee were also the judging panel and they had lots of prizes to give out to the top three most decorated bikes or scooters in each class. There were helmets, bike reflectors and bike locks awarded. But everyone was rewarded when the ice-cream van came to visit and everyone got an ice-cream for their fantastic effort!
Well done everybody for a fantastic Bike Week in Scoil Chaitríona!
#BikeWeek #BikeWeekLimerick @LimerickCouncil
On Tuesday 14th May, Lorraine from An Taisce came to Scoil Chaitríona, where she carried out ‘Bike Care’ workshops with pupils from 3rd to 6th Class.
She showed the children how to maintain their bikes: oiling the chain, pumping up their tyres and showing them how to mend a punctured tyre. Lorraine also played lots of bike games with the children.
On Wednesday 15th May, the Green Schools Committee organized a ‘Bling Your Bike/Scooter’ parade and competition. All of the children in the school were asked to decorate their bike/ scooters and helmets. As you can see from the photos below, there was a huge effort made from all of the children in the school! Each class took it in turns to parade around the yard on their bikes and scooters, while being cheered on by the rest of the school.
The Green School’s Committee were also the judging panel and they had lots of prizes to give out to the top three most decorated bikes or scooters in each class. There were helmets, bike reflectors and bike locks awarded. But everyone was rewarded when the ice-cream van came to visit and everyone got an ice-cream for their fantastic effort!
Well done everybody for a fantastic Bike Week in Scoil Chaitríona!
#BikeWeek #BikeWeekLimerick @LimerickCouncil
Active Week 2024
It has been a very exciting week in Scoil Chaitríona this week as we celebrated Active Week 2024! The children put fantastic effort into all their activities and should be very proud of themselves.
Our week started off with each class completing an obstacle course on Monday. The children had great fun taking on these courses and the challenges that each posed. There were plenty of hula-hoops, skipping ropes and hurdles doing the rounds that day!
On Tuesday we took on a “Run Around Limerick” challenge. We’ve since had to rename this as the “Run around Munster” challenge as we managed to clock up so many kilometres on the day! We had a track marked out around our yard. Each class spent time running or walking (or some were even seen skipping!) around the track. We counted up the total number of laps completed by the children and calculated that we managed to cover a combined distance of 157KM! This is equivalent to running from Cappamore to Clonakilty Co. Cork - with a few kilometres to spare! What an achievement!
Wednesday’s activity involved each class taking part in a challenge. The younger classes took part in a balance challenge, while 3rd to 6th Class took on a wall-squat challenge. There were some very impressive attempts made. Well done everyone!
The children had great fun dancing with past pupil and professional dancer, Jean O’Donoghue, on Thursday. There were lots of cool moves on display with plenty of great songs by Taylor Swift, George Ezra and many more to accompany them. What a fun way to spend a Thursday morning!
Our Active Week came to a spectacular end on Friday with our Active Showcase. Any child who wanted to show a sporting skill or talent got the opportunity to do so in front of the whole school. We saw some amazing exhibits including penalty shootouts; Tae Kwon Do; dancing and cycling. Everyone loved seeing each other’s incredible talents.
The children partook in many other initiatives throughout the week including, “5 Minute Move” breaks with Joe Wicks; standing desks; mini-workouts and active homework. Well done to the children for all their efforts throughout the week and to the teachers and SNA’s who helped facilitate the various activities. A very special mention must go to our Active School Committee who have had a very busy week. The committee members have shown great leadership throughout the week and are fantastic ambassadors for keeping active in our school. Maith sibh!
Our week started off with each class completing an obstacle course on Monday. The children had great fun taking on these courses and the challenges that each posed. There were plenty of hula-hoops, skipping ropes and hurdles doing the rounds that day!
On Tuesday we took on a “Run Around Limerick” challenge. We’ve since had to rename this as the “Run around Munster” challenge as we managed to clock up so many kilometres on the day! We had a track marked out around our yard. Each class spent time running or walking (or some were even seen skipping!) around the track. We counted up the total number of laps completed by the children and calculated that we managed to cover a combined distance of 157KM! This is equivalent to running from Cappamore to Clonakilty Co. Cork - with a few kilometres to spare! What an achievement!
Wednesday’s activity involved each class taking part in a challenge. The younger classes took part in a balance challenge, while 3rd to 6th Class took on a wall-squat challenge. There were some very impressive attempts made. Well done everyone!
The children had great fun dancing with past pupil and professional dancer, Jean O’Donoghue, on Thursday. There were lots of cool moves on display with plenty of great songs by Taylor Swift, George Ezra and many more to accompany them. What a fun way to spend a Thursday morning!
Our Active Week came to a spectacular end on Friday with our Active Showcase. Any child who wanted to show a sporting skill or talent got the opportunity to do so in front of the whole school. We saw some amazing exhibits including penalty shootouts; Tae Kwon Do; dancing and cycling. Everyone loved seeing each other’s incredible talents.
The children partook in many other initiatives throughout the week including, “5 Minute Move” breaks with Joe Wicks; standing desks; mini-workouts and active homework. Well done to the children for all their efforts throughout the week and to the teachers and SNA’s who helped facilitate the various activities. A very special mention must go to our Active School Committee who have had a very busy week. The committee members have shown great leadership throughout the week and are fantastic ambassadors for keeping active in our school. Maith sibh!
Sporting Scoil Chaitríona
Well done to our girls and boys teams who played in the Cumann na mBunscoil hurling tournament. Our girls put in a great effort but sadly didn't make it to the final. Our boys are through to the final and we wish them all the best. Also three of our students - Fionn, Abbie and Mohammad were chosen to play in a inter schools hurling East Limerick skills competition and performed very well.
The boys and girls from 5th & 6th Class paid a visit to the Fidget Feet Aerial Dance Studio on Friday the 10th of May. This day out was funded by our Creative Schools grant and the children had a funfilled day swirling and twirling in the air.
Scoil Chaitríona has a BLAST
Last week the children were very fortunate to be joined by Yvonne Edmonds who was our Artist in Residence from the BLAST Residency Programme. The children painted a huge mural incorporating the theme of inclusion and images from around Cappamore. The whole mural was painted by the children and they are very proud of their masterpiece.
Best of luck to both our boy's and girl's team in the F.A.I. 5 a-side County Final. We are so proud of you and the amazing effort you have all put in to get to the finals!
Read all about the journey to the county final below.
The Boy's Journey to the FAI County Final
By: Fionn Hogan
We arrived at the pitch and it was crowed, eventually we found a spot to put our things down. We picked a spot for a game of rondos to warm up. After passing the ball around for about 10 minutes, we were called for our first game.
James was in defence, Mohammed and Fionn in mid-field and Seánie up front. Our Captain Mohammed had to do a rock, paper, scissor with the referee and the opposition to see who won tip off. Unfortunately he lost and we didn’t have tip. The match starts and we are automatically switched into defence mode. After five minutes of battling, Fionn passes it to Liam, then Liam gives it to Mohammed and he gives it back to Liam, who scores! Another two minutes pass and we get a corner. Liam crosses it into Mohammed and he scores a header. The final score of that match was 2-0 to us.
After that we had a ten minute break to rest up before our next match started. The next match was against Kilcolman and they were a very good team. The match is starting and again we have to do rock, paper, scissors. We lost again! After a lot of blocks, tackles and shots, Fionn passes it to Liam and he runs down the right wing with the ball and scores, making it 1 – 0 to us! But not long after Kilcolman score and that was that. The end of that match was 1-1 but we still had another game to play.
We had another ten minute break and the team we were to play next were playing a match. We had time to study their players and tactics. And before we knew it, game 3 was about to start. It was against Herbertstown N.S. and from what we saw on the sideline, they looked very good. We go up for another rock, paper, scissors and luckily we won! After multiple attempts on goal from both teams, lots of running, sprinting, blocking, tackling and tracking back, Fionn passes it to Liam, who passes it to Jay and he scores a goal. After Herbertstown take tip, Mohammed fouls someone and they get a free. They go for a shot and Jack makes a brilliant save but they win a corner. Their player crosses it to another player who tries to score a header but misses it and then the whistle blows. We are through to the county final and what a day it was!!!!
Our team: Jack, Fionn, Mohammed, James, Denis, Seánie, Liam, Jay & Rhys
The Girl's Journey to the FAI County Final
By: Saoirse Ryan
Today I am writing about our journey on getting to the County Final.
Day 1:
Our first day took place on 4th March 2024. It was a very windy day but thankfully it wasn’t raining. We had to travel all the way to Sean Choill, Corbally to play the first round of games. When we arrived we found a spot to put our bags and to put on our boots.
Our first match was against Gaeilge Sheoirse Clancy. When the full time whistle went, the final score was 8 – 0 to us!! Abbie scored 6 goals, Aoibhinn and Saoirse scored 1 each.
We went straight into our second game, no break or rest allowed. This game was against Kilcolman N.S. This was a tough game & we had to stay focused until the last minute. We won the game 3 – 2 with Abbie scoring 3 of the goals.
We were all so delighted to have won all our games & get through to the next round!
Day 2:
Our second round of games took place on March 20th. We again had to travel to Sean Choill in Corbally. Our first game was against Scoil Ide Naofa. The match was about 20 minutes long with the final score of 2-0 to Scoil Chaitriona. Abbie again scored the two goals. When the full time whistle blew, we shook hands with our opponents and we walked back over to our school bags. We had something small to eat and supported the boys in their match.
After about half an hour we were called to play our second game against St. Joseph’s. We knew we had to win this match to get through to the county final. After 20 minutes of great teamwork the full time whistle blew. We again walked over to shake our opponent’s hands and then we jumped around and cheered as we were through to the COUNTY FINAL!!!
The final score was 2 – 0, Saoirse scored one goal and St. Joseph’s scored an own goal. We were so happy and very proud of ourselves.
We gathered our jumpers, water and bags to support the boys in their last game. When we were leaving the pitch we met Jason O’ Connor and he congratulated us for getting through to the County Final. We were all so happy and we are looking forward to our County Final on April 24th.
Our Team: Amber, Abbie, Saoirse, Maria –Elena, Kelley, Aoibhinn, Doireann & Mary Kate
By: Fionn Hogan
We arrived at the pitch and it was crowed, eventually we found a spot to put our things down. We picked a spot for a game of rondos to warm up. After passing the ball around for about 10 minutes, we were called for our first game.
James was in defence, Mohammed and Fionn in mid-field and Seánie up front. Our Captain Mohammed had to do a rock, paper, scissor with the referee and the opposition to see who won tip off. Unfortunately he lost and we didn’t have tip. The match starts and we are automatically switched into defence mode. After five minutes of battling, Fionn passes it to Liam, then Liam gives it to Mohammed and he gives it back to Liam, who scores! Another two minutes pass and we get a corner. Liam crosses it into Mohammed and he scores a header. The final score of that match was 2-0 to us.
After that we had a ten minute break to rest up before our next match started. The next match was against Kilcolman and they were a very good team. The match is starting and again we have to do rock, paper, scissors. We lost again! After a lot of blocks, tackles and shots, Fionn passes it to Liam and he runs down the right wing with the ball and scores, making it 1 – 0 to us! But not long after Kilcolman score and that was that. The end of that match was 1-1 but we still had another game to play.
We had another ten minute break and the team we were to play next were playing a match. We had time to study their players and tactics. And before we knew it, game 3 was about to start. It was against Herbertstown N.S. and from what we saw on the sideline, they looked very good. We go up for another rock, paper, scissors and luckily we won! After multiple attempts on goal from both teams, lots of running, sprinting, blocking, tackling and tracking back, Fionn passes it to Liam, who passes it to Jay and he scores a goal. After Herbertstown take tip, Mohammed fouls someone and they get a free. They go for a shot and Jack makes a brilliant save but they win a corner. Their player crosses it to another player who tries to score a header but misses it and then the whistle blows. We are through to the county final and what a day it was!!!!
Our team: Jack, Fionn, Mohammed, James, Denis, Seánie, Liam, Jay & Rhys
The Girl's Journey to the FAI County Final
By: Saoirse Ryan
Today I am writing about our journey on getting to the County Final.
Day 1:
Our first day took place on 4th March 2024. It was a very windy day but thankfully it wasn’t raining. We had to travel all the way to Sean Choill, Corbally to play the first round of games. When we arrived we found a spot to put our bags and to put on our boots.
Our first match was against Gaeilge Sheoirse Clancy. When the full time whistle went, the final score was 8 – 0 to us!! Abbie scored 6 goals, Aoibhinn and Saoirse scored 1 each.
We went straight into our second game, no break or rest allowed. This game was against Kilcolman N.S. This was a tough game & we had to stay focused until the last minute. We won the game 3 – 2 with Abbie scoring 3 of the goals.
We were all so delighted to have won all our games & get through to the next round!
Day 2:
Our second round of games took place on March 20th. We again had to travel to Sean Choill in Corbally. Our first game was against Scoil Ide Naofa. The match was about 20 minutes long with the final score of 2-0 to Scoil Chaitriona. Abbie again scored the two goals. When the full time whistle blew, we shook hands with our opponents and we walked back over to our school bags. We had something small to eat and supported the boys in their match.
After about half an hour we were called to play our second game against St. Joseph’s. We knew we had to win this match to get through to the county final. After 20 minutes of great teamwork the full time whistle blew. We again walked over to shake our opponent’s hands and then we jumped around and cheered as we were through to the COUNTY FINAL!!!
The final score was 2 – 0, Saoirse scored one goal and St. Joseph’s scored an own goal. We were so happy and very proud of ourselves.
We gathered our jumpers, water and bags to support the boys in their last game. When we were leaving the pitch we met Jason O’ Connor and he congratulated us for getting through to the County Final. We were all so happy and we are looking forward to our County Final on April 24th.
Our Team: Amber, Abbie, Saoirse, Maria –Elena, Kelley, Aoibhinn, Doireann & Mary Kate
Ist and 2nd Class Trip to Milano's
17/4/'24 - 1st and 2nd class had a lovely day in Milano's making their own pizzas and enjoying them after the were baked.
The children really enjoyed our Wellbeing Week. They had classes in yoga, meditation and zumba. They created a Gratitude Tree, the senior classes read stories to the infants, they had lots of fun on Crazy Hair Day, they enjoyed learning and singing the song "The Climb" which taught them to never give up, we had a whole school Pizza Massage session and we all finished with a class disco. Overall it was a very worthwhile week and taught the children the importance of looking after their own wellbeing in a fun way.
Yoga and Meditation
22/03/'24 Scoil Chaitríona were out in force to clean up the village as part of Team Limerick Clean Up. As as thank you all the children received an Easter Egg before we finished for the Easter holidays.
Well done Sienna for making such a big effort picking up litter. Sienna's class are taking part in the Picker Pals Programme
Reminder for
We will be taking part in Team Limerick Clean Up on Friday morning the 22/3/'24 at 9.30am.
St. Patrick's Day Fun 2024
A huge thank to all who attended our school concert last Wednesday night. Thank you also to our Parent's Association for their support on the night and for organising our raffle.
We are all looking forward to presenting our school concert next Wednesday. Please spread the word and come along on the night for a great night's entertainment.
4/3/'24-Congratulations to all our boys an girls who played in Sean Choill, Corbally today and are progressing to the next round in the soccer competition.
1/3/'24- The children in Ms. Power's and Ms. Sheehy's room had a great day in the local library where they were treated to enjoyable stories and where they made puppets which they could bring home with them. Thanks to Mark in the library for organising this.
Congratulations to Abbie for being picked for the Neville Cup Camogie Panel and to Mohammad who also qualified for the Mackey Cup Hurling Panel. We are very proud of them both.
Pancake Tuesday
13/2/'24 The children were are all treated to pancakes with all the toppings to celebrate Pancake Tuesday. A huge thank you to our Student Council members for being such a good help.
12/2/'24 Well done to our girls who played today the indoor blitz in Caherconlish. They played three very tight games against Doon, Nicker and Roxboro.
30/1/'24 Congratulations to our two teams of children from 5th and 6th Class who represented Scoil Chaitríona in the St. Ailbe's Credit Union Table Quiz in Caherconlish and many thanks to Ms. Armitage for training them.
26/1/'24 - Today we celebrated Grandparents Day at mass. The children prayed for all their grandparents who are with us and no longer with us. All grandparents had their names written on a ribbon by the children and it was displayed during mass to remember them all.
25/1/'24 -The children from 5th and 6th had a great day in Newport watching the musical Grease performed by the TY students of Newport College. It was an amazing performance and the children were dancing along to all the songs and had a memorable day out.
5 -a Side Indoor Hurling
25/1/'24Well done to our boys indoor hurling team who had a great time in Caherconlish. They played really well against Roxboro, Crecora and Ahane. Many thanks to Ms. Power for bringing them.
Christmas is finally here. We would like to wish all our families a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. We will see you back at school on Monday the 8th of December.
Christmas Pageant Photos
Children's Christmas Raffle
We had a huge array of gifts donated by all the staff for the children's raffle and no child went away empty handed.
Parent's Association Raffle
Congratulations to our winners in the Parent's Association Annual Christmas Raffle
1st Prize: Ruth O' Donnell Duggan
2nd Prize: Denis Leonard
3rd Prize: Bernadette O' Connor
4th Prize: Eugene Taaffe
Well done to all our winners and many thanks to all our families for supporting us and our Parent's Association for organising the raffle.
Christmas Jumper Day
15/12/'23 Today we are having a special Christmas Jumper Day in school. Our thanks to all our families and staff who have donated to the Bone Marrow Leukaemia Trust in memory of our beloved Niamh. We would also like to thank St Ailbe's Credit Union who donated a buddy bench to the school in honour of Niamh.
Our children and families raised €605.50 and our staff raised €580 totalling €1,185.50. There are no words for this amazing contribution by all in Scoil Chaitríona.
Preparations are well underway for Christmas at school. Our thanks to all the families who have attended the Advent Ceremonies and sung in the choir. It is a lovely way to prepare for the festive season. Tickets for our Christmas Pageant have been flying out the door and they will still be on sale until Wednesday 20th of December from 9.00am to 9.15am. Just a reminder that the pageant starts at 7.30 and entry will be by the front door of the church only
Our Christmas family raffle and children's raffle will be held on Friday the 22nd of December and winners will be notified on the day. Please remember to return all tickets before Friday.
Thank you from the Shoebox Appeal
17th Nov: The children had a great time at the local library as part of Science Week. The NUTTY SCIENTIST came to educate and entertain the children and show how much fun science can be.
Cumann na mBunscoil Final
10th Nov: What an achievement it was getting to the Cumann na mBunscoil East Limerick Final but unfortunately it wasn't our day. Cloverfield beat us in the last kick of the game after we had the lead. But our boys and girls played incredibly well and showed great sportsmanship. Many thanks to Ms. Power and Mr. O' Dea for training them.
Reminder for our Parent's Association Table Quiz on the 10th of October. We would encourage all families to come along and form a team for a really fun night.
Halloween in Scoil Chaitríona
The familiar sight of witches, ghosts, killer clowns and vampires arriving at school was very welcome on the 27th of October. Children in all classes and staff made huge efforts to scare and entertain us all. We had a cake sale during the day and our thanks to all the families for bringing in cakes, buns and cookies and for all the donations made. Well done to our newly elected Student's Council, some of whom helped out for the cake sale. After lunch we had a Witch's Walk around the garden and it was very enjoyable for all.
Halloween Cake Sale
Our Parent's Association organised our annual Halloween Cake Sale. Senior Student's Council Members were a great help for the cake sale and showed great kindness and generosity when they came up with the idea of delivering a box of buns to our Ukranian neighbours.
Our Budding Artists
Well done to Samir and Michael who were presented with their prizes after coming 1st and 2nd in the St. Ailbe's Art Competition this term.
Well done Abbie
Well done to our own Abbie who has been chosen for the Limerick soccer team. Abbie is a great role model for the our school.
Cycling Lessons
Cycling lessons have commenced for the senior classes in the school yard and they are learning important skills in bicycle maintenance and the proper and safe manner in which to ride a bicycle.
Our Busy Senior Classes
The mid term break is upon us already and we have had a very busy lead up to the end of term. Our senior classes have been especially busy. They paid a visit to the library and met renowned Irish author - Judi Curtin. Judi Curtin is the best-selling author of the ‘Alice and Megan’ series, the 'Eva' series and the 'Time After Time' series, about Beth and Molly, accidental time-travelling best friends. Judi won the Children's Book of the Year (Senior) at the Irish Book Awards in 2017 for Stand By Me. Her current series, about Lily, is set in the famous Lissadell House in Co Sligo. 5th and 6th Class have been reading her novel "Lily Steps Up" this term.
4th , 5th and 6th Class had a great day out at Clanwilliam Rugby grounds where they took part in the Clanwilliam Halloween Primary School Blitz and had a wonderful time. Our thanks to Clanwilliam RFC for organising the blitz.
Thanks to Limerick Civic Trust for taking the children for a historical walk around Limerick's most famous district - The Medieval Englishtown. They saw the Bishop's Palace, Treaty Stone, King John's Castle and St Munchin's Church and graveyard.
Well done to our Cumann na mBunscoil team who played so well, beating Bohermore and Carnane and are now through to the final against Cloverfield.
Girl's Cumann na mBunscoil Football
12/10/'23 - Well done to our girls who played very well in the 7- a -side Cumann na mBunscoil blitz in Doon. We were beaten by Oola in our first game, we won against Murroe but we we lost against Nicker in the semi final. Many thanks to Ms. Power and Mr. O' Dea for training the girls.
Ger's Mobile Farm
13/10/'23 - It's becoming a bit of a tradition for Ger to bring his furry and feathered friends to visit the children of Scoil Chaitríona in the first term of school. The children love to see him coming and adore petting and feeding the animals. It's always a lovely day.
In Memory
of our beautiful
On Saturday 7th of October, Niamh Berkery, a valued member of the Scoil Chaitríona family, passed away peacefully. Today we remembered Niamh as Breda's daughter, as our friend, our colleague and as our SNA to the children of Scoil Chaitríona. We displayed a memorial to Niamh in the lobby and held a prayer service in her honour and memory.
Dear Jesus,
We give you thanks for the life of Niamh
She gave of herself to her students and to our school.
We ask God to comfort her family, especially her mother Breda, and be very close to them in their sadness and loss. Bless the students whom she helped, and help them to have pride in all that they learned from her. Bless her colleagues with whom she shared her days in Scoil Chaitríona. Watch over them as they face their days without her.
Help us to always care for each other in our school, and say thank you to You God, every day, for all of the people who love us and help us.
We place Niamh into Your loving hands Jesus, and ask You to receive her into Your heavenly Kingdom where she will be happy forever and ever.
Look for me in Rainbows
Time for me to go now, I won't say goodbye;
Look for me in rainbows, way up in the sky.
In the morning sunrise when all the world is new,
Just look for me and love me, as you know I loved you.
Time for me to leave you, I won't say goodbye;
Look for me in rainbows, high up in the sky.
In the evening sunset, when all the world is through,
Just look for me and love me, and I'll be close to you.
It won't be forever, the day will come and then
My loving arms will hold you, when we meet again.
Time for us to part now, we won't say goodbye;
Look for me in rainbows, shining in the sky.
Every waking moment, and all your whole life through
Just look for me and love me, as you know I loved you.
Just wish me to be near you, And I'll be there with you
We give you thanks for the life of Niamh
She gave of herself to her students and to our school.
We ask God to comfort her family, especially her mother Breda, and be very close to them in their sadness and loss. Bless the students whom she helped, and help them to have pride in all that they learned from her. Bless her colleagues with whom she shared her days in Scoil Chaitríona. Watch over them as they face their days without her.
Help us to always care for each other in our school, and say thank you to You God, every day, for all of the people who love us and help us.
We place Niamh into Your loving hands Jesus, and ask You to receive her into Your heavenly Kingdom where she will be happy forever and ever.
Look for me in Rainbows
Time for me to go now, I won't say goodbye;
Look for me in rainbows, way up in the sky.
In the morning sunrise when all the world is new,
Just look for me and love me, as you know I loved you.
Time for me to leave you, I won't say goodbye;
Look for me in rainbows, high up in the sky.
In the evening sunset, when all the world is through,
Just look for me and love me, and I'll be close to you.
It won't be forever, the day will come and then
My loving arms will hold you, when we meet again.
Time for us to part now, we won't say goodbye;
Look for me in rainbows, shining in the sky.
Every waking moment, and all your whole life through
Just look for me and love me, as you know I loved you.
Just wish me to be near you, And I'll be there with you