Summary School Self-Evaluation Report 2014/'15
1. Introduction
Our school has its own context. There are 5 teachers and 76 pupils in the school. We have a number of programmes operating in the school including Reading Recovery, CAPER, Maths Recovery, Discover Primary Science and Maths, Green Flag programme. Our attendance levels are good. Our pupils’ behaviour is excellent.
1.1 The focus of the evaluation
We undertook a school self-evaluation of teaching and learning during the year. We evaluated Numeracy. We chose this because we felt that our pupils could improve their learning outcomes in this area.
This report summarises the strengths that were identified and the areas that have been prioritised for improvement.
2. Summary of school self-evaluation findings
We collected information from parents, pupils and teachers in preparing this report. We looked at how well our pupils were doing in Numeracy. We also interviewed some pupils, sent questionnaires out to the parents, discussed Numeracy at staff-level and studied our 2013 standardised scores in Numeracy.
2.1 We found that our school has strengths in the following areas:
• 82% of the parents surveyed agreed/strongly agreed that their child likes Maths.
• 76% of the parents surveyed agreed/strongly agreed that the Maths their child is taught at just the right level.
• 82% of the parents surveyed agreed/strongly agreed that they get good information from the school about how their child is performing in Maths.
• 100% of the children surveyed reported enjoying Maths class.
• 8.2% of our students received a standard score of 130 and above in the 2013 Sigma-T test compared to 2% National Norm.
• 9.8% of our students received a standard score of 120-129 compared to 7% National Norm.
• A member of our Learning Support/ Resource team has completed the Maths Recovery programme.
2.2 We have decided to prioritise the following areas for development:
Areas for development
• Number and Tables work.
• Problem –solving.